DSCA 2025 Strategic Goals

DSCA’s Strategic Plan aligns key tenets of National Security Strategy and National Defense Strategy with the Agency’s strategic Goals. This enables a direct linkage between national security guidance and DSCA measurable objectives and action.  This demonstrates DSCA’s critical role in implementing national security and defense strategy.   

In service of, and in alignment with, enduring national defense strategic goals, DSCA developed five-year Goals consistent with our three complementary efforts outlined in Section 3.2.  The five strategic Goals begin with a focus on external SC stakeholders to enable decision-making that is mutually beneficial for the U.S., the Department, and the partner nation.

DSCA’s values-based approach, including transparency, human rights, rule of law, civilian harm mitigation, and women, peace, and security initiatives, is what distinguishes the United States from our strategic competitors.  DSCA will continue to identify and implement SC enterprise improvements with an emphasis on cost, schedule, and performance.  DSCA will ensure that authorities and policies are implemented and updated to facilitate all aspects of Security Cooperation.  Finally, DSCA will empower the SC workforce by ensuring they have the training and tools to excel as Security Cooperation professionals. Specifically, DSCA will: 

  • Goal 1: Align and integrate department SC activities to influence partner capability development and acquisition decisions to mutual benefit;
  • Goal 2: Standardize and lead SC program planning such that activities and resources are prioritized, aligned, and executed within a structured, full-spectrum approach focused on developing capabilities;
  • Goal 3: Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the SC enterprise’s business operations;
  • Goal 4: Improve our ability to strengthen alliances and attract new partners by obtaining and refining authorities and policies;
  • Goal 5: Develop a diverse, certified, adaptable, and resilient SC workforce to meet shared U.S. and international security challenges.

In order to realize these five-year strategic Goals, each fiscal year the organization will develop annual Objectives and Sub-Objectives that will advance the Agency’s ability to bolster its Mission and Vision.  The Objectives and Sub-Objectives will serve as a foundation for measuring success at each organizational level in DSCA and will guide our annual targets as individuals.  In this way, each member of the Agency will individually contribute to the combined vision and share in ownership of the DSCA’s collective success.

The 2025 Strategy Framework on page 7 is an all-encompassing view of the multiple tenets of the Strategic Plan – its purpose, audience, intent, and guiding principles.  Under the umbrella of a new Mission and Vision, the Framework outlines WHO our key stakeholders are, HOW the Agency will implement the plan, WHAT Goals it aims to accomplish, and WHY the Agency is doing so.  Then, underlying everything the Strategic Plan aims to achieve, the Framework’s foundation is embedded in the Agency’s PARTNER Culture, the bedrock of how DSCA conducts business and the common sentiment that all Agency personnel use to champion success across the SC community.