Humanitarian Assistance (HA) Program


OHDACA-funded HA projects consist of collaborative DoD engagements with Partner Nation (PN) government authorities in permissive environments to directly relieve or reduce human suffering, disease, hunger or privation or to increase PN capacity to provide essential human services to vulnerable populations. HA projects are commonly developed jointly with PN ministry-level authorities, and include activities such as construction, training, planning, and provision of equipment to address disaster risk reduction (DRR), mitigation, and preparedness (DP); health-related projects and activities; basic education support; and basic infrastructure.


Global program management is performed by DSCA, while each of the Combatant Commands (CCMDs) design and execute regional programs.

DSCA approves projects which comply with policy and legal criteria and CCMDs fund projects in accordance with theater priorities.


Two-year OHDACA appropriation