Colonel Elizabeth F. Allen becomes the New Director of DIILS

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5 years 2 months

Colonel Elizabeth F. Allen, Judge Advocate General’s Corps, U.S. Army, assumed the directorship of the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) September 29, 2023 at Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island, in a ceremony officiated by Dr. Celeste Gventer, Defense Security Cooperation University President. Colonel Allen is the 14th Director of DIILS.

Click here to learn more: https://dscu.edu/news-article-detail?id=60203

U.S. Works With Allies, Partners to Minimize Civilian Casualties

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5 years 2 months

By Jim Garamone, Defense.gov

The U.S. government is working with allies and partner nations to mitigate civilian casualties during military operations by partners, government officials said during a recent background briefing.

"Harm by U.S. security partners undertaking military operations has long been an issue of serious concern for those of us administering security cooperation and defense trade policy," a State Department official said.

Colonel Weir Assumes the Directorship at DIILS

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11 years 11 months

NEWPORT, RI, 1 Aug 2014. Colonel Steven B. Weir, JA, United States Army, assumed the directorship of the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS), in a change of command ceremony officiated by Vice Admiral Joseph W. Rixey, Director of the Defense Security Cooperation Agency.  Colonel Weir is the 11th Director of DIILS.