FY22 Security Cooperation Figures Announcement

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January 25, 2023—The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) announces the fiscal year 2022 U.S. arms transfer figures, as well as other notable accomplishments and statistics, highlighting the depth and breadth of U.S. security cooperation efforts.

Arms transfers for fiscal year 2022 totaled $51.92 billion, resulting in a three-year rolling average of $45.84 billion.  This value was comprised of:

  • $43.07 billion in arms sales under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program funded by U.S. allies and partners nations,
  • $6.65 billion under the Title 22 Foreign Military Financing (FMF) program, and
  • $2.21 billion under Title 10 Foreign Assistance Act or Building Partner Capacity (BPC) programs.

Arms transfers and defense trade are important tools of U.S. foreign policy with potential long-term implications for regional and global security.  For this reason, the United States follows a holistic approach, which weighs political, military, economic, nonproliferation, technology security, end use, and human rights factors to determine the appropriate provision of military equipment and the licensing of direct commercial sales of defense articles to U.S. allies and partner nations.

DSCA also highlights that Security Cooperation is much more than just arms transfers.  Under the International Military Education and Training program, DSCA trained nearly 25,000 foreign military students.  Under DSCA’s Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU), the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies (DIILS) conducted 158 advisory, education, and training engagements.  This included over 2,300 ministerial and military personnel from 87 partner-nation militaries.  DSCA’s Institute for Security Governance (ISG) conducted 451 advising activities, education, and training engagements involving over 5,000 ministerial and military personnel.

DSCU made significant progress in training the Security Cooperation workforce. In fiscal year 2022, DSCU logged the completion of over 20,000 courses by this workforce. 

DSCA also funded the Department of Defense’s humanitarian assistance activities under the Overseas Humanitarian, Disaster, and Civic Aid (OHDACA) Appropriation.  For fiscal year 2022 this included:

  • $5.2 billion for Department of Defense support to the Department of State for Afghan Evacuees,
  • $112. 8 million in worldwide humanitarian assistance,
  • 67 humanitarian assistance transportation program private donation deliveries, and
  • 522 projects supported by 82 partner nations.

Please see other updated resources on Security Cooperation including: