5. State Description

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The State Description Field in DSAMS provides the Department of State (DoS) with a description of the Defense articles and services being provided on the LOA document. The IA is responsible for ensuring a clear and concise description of the Major Defense Equipment (MDE), sensitive munitions, other Defense articles and or services being transferred or sold, to include quantities, and identifies follow-on support or spares are also being provided. (Note: Information entered here does not print on the LOA document).


C-130 and F-5 Aircraft Spare Parts and Equipment - A2 adds two (2) additional MIDS Terminals and associated support equipment.

  • State List Report (RP139): This is a DSAMS report generated by the DSCA/CWD to provide an overview of each document sent to DoS for approval during “Proposed Status”. In addition to the information listed in the State Description Field, this report is populated based on the information from the following DSAMS fields:

    Field / Tab Description

    Case Detail window / Summary tab

    Country, Case Designator

    Case Detail window / Document tab

    Version Type (LOA, AMD, MOD), Doc No., Congressional Transmittal No., Terms of Sale (TOS)

    Case Detail window / Description tab

    State Description

    Case Line window / Identification tab

    MASL Description (MDE and SME only)

    Case Summary window / Case Data tab

    Total Values (previous and current)

    Milestone window

    State Dept. Case Prep Hold (SHOLD) milestone


    MDE Line Values (previous and current), End Item

A DoS approval is required for cases that add/increase scope, such as Basic LOAs, Amendments. All Concurrent Modifications require DoS approval. These documents require the State Description field to be completed in DSAMS. If DoS approval is required, the checkbox must be selected in DSAMS (Case Detail window, Document Tab). This identifies that the current case version is to be included on the RP139. This field is checked by default in DSAMS for a Basic LOA, Amendments, and Concurrent Modifications, but is not checked by default for Modifications. DSAMS provides a validation warning for a checkmark in this field which causes the STLST (State List) milestone with a planned date to be created when the MILSGN (MILDEP Signature) milestone is created. It is important to ensure this field is correctly annotated. CWD submits the RP139 to the DoS daily.