C5.1. DTSA, the JS, and (USD)AT&L determine technology restrictions and provisos on a case-by-case basis during the review process. Not all of these provisos will apply to all countries, and DTSA will specify which are appropriate after the case-by-case review. The DSCA Authorization to Transfer memorandum will inform the IA of the appropriate provisos to use for contracting, and the IA will communicate them to the contracting command and manufacturer. Below are some examples of export performance parameters and provisos. Note that these are examples only, and the IA and DSCA will not insert them into any of the supporting documentation going to DTSA, the JS, and (USD)AT&L for review.
C5.2. The IA and CWD may include the following provisos from the Authorization to Transfer memorandum in the LOA as appropriate.
C5.2.1. The IA and case writers must not include the following examples in the LOA nor communicate them to the purchaser.